Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hey today im going to show you guys some different kinds of tissues like Covering,muscle,epithelial,and connective tissue..The reason why I put that in gray is because I think that was extremly boring.Now im going to show covering tissue.Covering tissue is the skin of the body you have herd of skin right ok you have now lets look at a picture of it...............That is skin tissue at the top boring huh but it gives you an idea.????
The next one is my favorite type of tissue the MUSCLE tissue and the muscle tissue is the one that builds up muscles and helps them function!!Look at the pic!!!
That is a way better picture than the one that I just posted but anyway that gives you an idea on how muscle tissue look!!

Now im going to tell you a little about the conective tissue and the conective tissue is what holds the body together I would think that would be important wouldent you of cores you would or you would be a big blob of fat on the ground if we did not have are bones and conective tissue!

That is a picture of the connective tissue..

This is the last one I promis!!!!!And it is called the epithial tissue this one is a little boring but you could not live without it sooo like it!!!!!!It is bacically your kidneys and organs and all of that fun stuff I going to show you a picture of it sooo you will get a better idea..

They can not give a cool picture can they well sorry no video this time I could not find a good one but next time I promis bye hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Different types of Algae..Lets go!!!!!!!!

Hey im going to tell you guys about some of the different types of Algae to get an idea look at the picture and it is showing you one of the types of algae its called red algae and it lives in the ocean.There are all different kinds of algea and let me tell you what they are..There is Euglenoids,Diatoms,Dinoflagellates and finally the last tone cause that was kind of boring its Red brown and green algae!!!!Wow that was long!!This is red algae and it is in water but mostly in salt water.When is releases oxygen it helps the plant but the funny thing is that if it releases to much it can kill the plant.
  This is red algae this is what I was talking about in the first part of my blog.

This is brown algae it also lives in water sorry I forgot to tell you all ALGAE lives in water but you probably already knew that.
This is green algae and this is mainly in pounds as you can see its floating in a pound ha..

This is Euglena it is one celled algae it is both plant like and animal like coooool!!!!It can use chlorophyll to make its own food so basically chlorophyll makes its own food.It has flagellum and eye spot to help it find the light.So I guess you can say its the most POPULAR of its kind.
This is a pic/layout of the uglena.

We only have to more were almost done.Ok lets move on to Diatoms..Diatoms are fragella unicellular organisms that have a yellow brownish chloroplast and I think I told you what chloroplast were during my blog.They also enables photosynthesize wow long word huh sorry bout that.
This is a pic of diatoms.

Now for the moment we have been waiting for the last ALGAE Dinoflagellates
Dinoflagellates are unicellular protist which exhibit a pretty sweet diversity of form
Here is a small but cool pic of dinoflagelates!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amoeba and Peramecium head to head

Most protists have only one cell just like bacteria cool!!!But a few have many cells.The cool part is that they have a nucleus.Some protists make their own food just like plants but the others just absorb food from other things.Look at the pic at the top I know its kinda boring but it gives you and idea of what it looks like.I guess your wondering how many protist exist ummmm about 60,000 kinds of protist exist.That a lot for just how little they are!

This is a short clip on Amoeba in motion.But any way im going to tell you guys the difference between the animal like protist.Amoeba has a false foot called pseudopod that was a big word any way back on topic.The pseudopod is used to move around and to trap food.They can live on rocks and they can also live on plants and in pounds:)

 Parameciums moves by using tiny hairs to move around.The organisums called cillia are often found in ponds.I know this is random but i would never swim in a pond
This is a picture of Parameciums and there are two they are just side by side.You can see that the are kinda long and the Amoeba is kinda round..

Friday, September 10, 2010

You better wach out for bacteria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 is the layer of the polysaccharide usally protiens defend the bacterial cell and is usally associated with pathogenic bacteria cause it severs as a barrier threw phagoctosis by white blood cells..

Outer membrane
This is a preety cool pic I guess..
 this lipid bilayer is found in the negative bacteria and is the source.
 preety cool huh...

Cell wall
 comosed to the peptidogly can the cell wall maintains to the avarage shape of a bacteria cell.Some of the primary shapes in bacteria are coccus.....I hope im not boring you ha..

Peiplasmic Space
 Space this cellular part is located only in thoes bacteria...only wow...they also both have an outer membrane and plasma the space are enymes and differnt protines that support and digest and move nutrients threw the cell..
Plasma membrane
this is a lilid bilayer very familiar to the cytoplasmic membrane of other cells....AWESOME

This is a video tells you guys a little about plasmids hopr you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!