Today I will be telling you a little about the circulatory system the circulatory system is made up of the heart,and your blood vessels,and the blood.Blood is a connective tissue that is made up of several parts.Together the circulatory system transports oxygen nutrients and wates through the body.
Did you enjoy that video it give you an idea what the circulatory system is in a fun rap!!!
The pump in the circulatory system is the heart.Made mostly of muscle tissue,the herat is really a doble pump.It can recive blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body.At the same time.
Now im going to be talking about the heart there is a atrium and the atrium lets the blood in and ventricloe and that pumps it out.
That is your heart and you can see that it looks a little gross but its whats keeping you alive!!
The red blood cells carrys oxygen threw out your bodys cells.The white blood cells are bigger than red blood cells but there are more red blood cells than white blood cells.
The plasmsa is mostly water and that is what makes your blood liquid and 91% of your blood is liquid and the 45% of your blood is is solid.
Blood types the most common types are A,B,and O if you have O you are a universal doner wich means you can donate to all the blood types.If your AB you can recive from any blood types.Iam a positve and it is important to know you blood type because if your in a serious car accident or any kind of accident when you would lose your blood the doctor could help you faster.So thats why its important to know your blood type.