Friday, April 1, 2011

Fish and what makes them fish!!!!

 Hey today I'm going to talk a little about fish and what makes them fish.. First of all you may think that fish live in water and that's all  well that is true but there is more to it than just where they live. The have gills and gills are like lungs but the let out water after the fish either swallows it or swims with its mouth opened. The fish  whole Circulatory system and when the water is done it comes out the gills.

 Some fish fish have scales and some have slimy skin and most fish are vertebrates witch means they have a backbone. The fish have scales because its easier for them to glide threw water another word for glide threw the water is streamlined and that means basically glide.

Another really cool fact about fish is that they sleep I bet you didn't think that they sleep well they do well not the same way as us. Fish don't have eye lids so when they sleep they stay still and their eyes stay opened. Do you see how the fish looks like he is swimming he is not he is asleep and his eyes are closed and he is just floating with the current.

Dolphins a mammal
All fish are cold blooded and  that means that they cant make there own heat as humans we can make our own heat. Some fish are mammals and some fish are not mammals if your a mammal you breath air so we breath air whales breath air and dolphins breath air.

When fish die they can either decnigrate or they turn in to fossils and a fossil is a rock that a fish died on or under and it molds the bones on the rock or fishes skin can just rot off and the bones are just lost in the ocean. 

 When fish die they become buoyant and that means that they rise to the surface because all of the air in the fishes body inflates and makes the fish rise to the surface.

This particular fish was washed up on the shore after it died and floated to the shore.

 Cartilaginous fish have cartilage and it is like bone but it is softer humans have bone here is an example of what a cartilaginous fish looks like

That was fish at the aquarium and it shows different kinds of fish I  think it is AWESOME. 

Lamprey fish are fish that are jaw less and they have teeth on the bottom of there mouth and they latch on to the things they eat and the     
teeth grind them and they eat them they look weird like this

This is the fish 

And this is what the bottom of him looks like

                         I hope you enjoyed my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. MY blog was horribel dnt read it well lol u already did it was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
